explorative notes on whatever I'm doing now

TLS Handshake

Below you will find a brief description of the TLS handshake process. A TLS session always establishes that the Server is who it says it is. However, the Server can also request or require that the Client proves that it is who it says it is. This can be configured as CLIENT_AUTH: WANT or CLIENT_AUTH: NEED. This Client authentication process is referred to a Client Auth or Mutual Auth (since Server Auth is always implied).

Server Authenticated TLS

This flow describes the regular TLS handshake process where Server Auth is implied

Client Hello: Client -> Server

Server Hello: Client <- Server

Client Key Exchange: Client -> Server

Client Finished: Client -> Server

Server Finished: Client <- Server

Encrypted Message Transfer: Client <-> Server

Client or Mutually Authenticated TLS

This section describes a Client or Mutual Auth Handshake. The new actions are in bold

Client Hello: Client -> Server

Server Hello: Client <- Server

Client Key Exchange: Client -> Server

Server Validates Client

Client Finished: Client -> Server

Server Finished: Client <- Server

Encrypted Message Transfer: Client <-> Server

fs2 (functional streams for scala)

I have worked with fs2 a bit over the past year, but this month I have begun to take the time to more fully understand the api. When using working with fs2 streams, as with functional programming in general, it is desirable to push all side effects to the edge of the runtime universe.

Basic Architecture

In designing this sample application, it is my intent to use software best practices. I will first set out to model my domain objects, ComicBook and Order

case class ComicBook(
  title: Title,
  publisher: Publisher,
  authorName: AuthorName,
  isbn: ISBN,
  available: Boolean,
  price: Price)

case class Order(
  comic: ComicBook,
  orderDate: DateTime,
  shipDate: Option[DateTime] = None,
  status: OrderStatus = OrderStatus.Opened)

These objects will be available for CRUD operations via endpoints implemented in http4s These endpoints will be serviced by a ComicBookService and OrderService with will interface with repositiory interpreter implemented with doobie to persist the domain objects

… a bit about the tech stack

What’s this all about

This project will create a Java Pet Store analog called Scala Comic Shop where I will develop an application using idomatic functional scala techniques and blog my notes and findings.